Tag: Paint

18 May 2018
Space Lightning

Space Lightning

Another preview. there’s something about space lightning.. 💡⚡️✨@theartfactoryslc @southsaltlakearts & concept / art by @sin45nvs @theartofjust242 . . #slc #slcart #slcartist #communitybuilding #artisatoolforsocialchange#sparkofcreativity #sparkofmadness #space #thespark #art #streetart#streetstyle #toolsofthetrade #artisatoolforsocialchange #ironlak#montanahardcore #krylon #rustoleum #aerosolart #justifiedink#getjustified

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08 May 2018
The best power is what you create

The best power is what you create

#Repost @theartofjust242 with a sneak preview of a new production we are working on! ・・・ Power is difficult to find, keep, and control. The best power, however, is that which you create. ⚡️💫🌩 . . #workinprogress #spraypaintart #spraytan #lightning #power#knowledgeispower #powertothepeople #spark #creativity#stormwithoutthecalm #graffiti #art #streetart #streetstyle#toolsofthetrade #artisatoolforsocialchange #ironlak #montanahardcore#krylon #rustoleum #aerosolart

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24 Jun 2017
West Side Arts Fest


I love when the team comes through focused and on point to knock pieces out of the park. Today was no exception. Great work at the #westsideartsfest @sin45nvs @south_ape_studio @theartofjust242 , and special thanks to @so.pow for the inspiring photos which led to this painting. #justifiedink #getjustified #getupandgrind #nvsfam #BeJustified

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08 Jun 2017
Behold, the power of art

Behold, the power of art

Behold, the power of art (aka Visual Expression): “Gichr ass onto the Jordan River Trail and check out the Mural art at 1300 South (just south of). I was so happy to see this piece on my commute this morning. The biggest epiphany I’ve had is the realization that we’re part of a living, breathing, […]

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13 Dec 2016

Hire Vue

Sliding through #typographytuesday with the classically clean style of @roycerism . “Hire Vue” . #roycerism #typography #typographyinspired #nvsfam #justifiedink #graffiti #art #graphicdesign #streetart #stylefordays

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